Adding some more judges, here and there.
[and.git] / ICPC Live Archive / 3928 - Ballroom lights / help / / tpc / billing-tables /
1 #!/usr/bin/python
2 import random
3 import os
5 MAXLEN = 4
7 def ranp(n):
8 return ''.join([random.choice('0123456789') for i in range(n)])
10 def ranincr(n):
11 return random.randint(0, 10**(n / 2))
13 def rango(n):
14 while True:
15 s1 = ranp(n)
16 s2 = str(int(s1) + ranincr(n))
17 if len(s2) != len(s1): continue
18 i = 0
19 while i < len(s1) and s1[i] == s2[i]:
20 i += 1
21 while i > 0 and random.choice([0, 1, 1, 1]) == 0:
22 i -= 1
23 s1, s2 = s1[:i] + s1[i:], s2[i:]
24 if s2 == '':
25 return s1, s1
26 else:
27 return s1, s2
29 def plan():
30 return random.choice(['nenuco', 'roque', 'moniche', 'mifus', 'invalid'])
32 def gentabla():
33 tabla = []
34 for i in range(random.randint(1, 20)):
35 s1, s2 = rango(random.randint(1, MAXLEN))
36 p = plan()
37 tabla.append((s1, s2, p))
38 return tabla
40 def pad(num, P='0'):
41 return num + (10 - len(num)) * P
43 def genstrs(l):
44 if l == 0:
45 yield ''
46 return
47 for r in genstrs(l - 1):
48 for dig in range(10):
49 yield r + str(dig)
51 def enumerar(fr, to, pref):
52 pot = 1
53 while fr + pot <= to:
54 while fr + pot <= to and fr % (pot * 10) != 0:
55 yield decor(fr / pot, pref)
56 fr += pot
57 pot *= 10
58 pref -= 1
59 while fr + pot > to:
60 pot /= 10
61 pref += 1
62 while pot > 0: # and fr + pot <= to:
63 while fr + pot <= to and to % (pot * 10) != 0:
64 yield decor(fr / pot, pref)
65 fr += pot
66 pot /= 10
67 pref += 1
69 def readtabla(a):
70 f = file(a, 'r')
71 ls = f.readlines()
72 tabla = []
73 for x in map(lambda l: l.strip(' \t\r\n').split(' '), ls[1:]):
74 tabla.append((x[0], x[2], x[3]))
75 f.close()
76 return tabla
78 def decor(x, k):
79 if k == 0:
80 #return '...'
81 return ''
82 else:
83 xx = str(x)
84 assert len(xx) <= k
85 return (k - len(xx)) * '0' + xx #+ '...'
87 def resultado_referencia1(tabla):
88 #tabla = tabla[::-1]
89 tabla1 = []
90 for start, end, plan in tabla:
91 tabla1.append((pad(start), pad(start[:-len(end)] + end, '9'), plan))
92 tabla = tabla1
94 tabla2 = {}
95 def cuanto_da(n):
96 n = pad(n)
97 if n in tabla2:
98 return tabla2[n]
99 for start, end, plan in tabla:
100 if start <= n and n <= end:
101 tabla2[n] = plan
102 return plan
103 tabla2[n] = 'invalid'
104 return 'invalid'
106 for n in genstrs(MAXLEN):
107 cdn = cuanto_da(n)
108 #print n, cdn
109 yield n, cdn
111 def resultado_referencia(tabla):
112 res = []
113 l = list(resultado_referencia1(tabla))
114 l.append((int(l[-1][0]) + 1, 'invalid'))
115 i0 = None
116 v0 = None
117 for i, v in l:
118 if v != v0:
119 if v0 not in [None, 'invalid']:
120 ###print int(i0), int(i), v0
121 for j in enumerar(int(i0), int(i), len(i0)):
122 res.append((j, v0))
123 v0 = v
124 i0 = i
125 g = file('tmp.referencia', 'w')
126 g.write('%i\n' % (len(res),))
127 for x, y in res:
128 g.write('%s %s\n' % (x, y,))
129 g.close()
130 return res
132 def resultado_implementacion(tabla):
133 f = file('', 'w')
134 f.write('%i\n' % (len(tabla),))
135 for start, end, plan in tabla:
136 f.write('%s - %s %s\n' % (start, end, plan))
137 f.close()
138 os.system('cat | ./main > tmp.implementacion')
139 f = file('tmp.implementacion', 'r')
140 ls = map(lambda x: tuple(x.strip(' \t\r\n').split(' ')), f.readlines()[1:])
141 f.close()
142 return ls
144 def main():
145 tabla = gentabla()
146 #tabla = readtabla('')
147 ###print tabla
148 l1 = resultado_referencia(tabla)
149 l2 = resultado_implementacion(tabla)
150 print l1
151 print l2
152 if l1 != l2:
153 print 'falla'
154 assert False
156 while True:
157 main()